Sunday, November 30, 2014

DRC Expressions of Gratitude

I am thankful for the run, it takes me to the places where I find myself. - Meg McCarrick

Running took on a new meaning for me this year. On March 7, my dad suffered a massive heart attack. (Ironically, I was on a run at the time; my husband had to track me down on my usual route.)  Eight months, four hospitalizations, a bout of congestive heart failure, a triple bypass and a defibrillator implantation later, Dad is on the mend, but considerably weaker than before.  On every run since then, I have taken time to be thankful for my good health and the ability to run, because I am so fortunate to have that physical ability when so many others don't.  - Jill Berron

I am grateful for the knowledge running has given me; two years ago, I didn't know when something felt "off" or wrong, but now with the strength I've gained, I know how my body should function and feel. It's awesome! - Rae Hedlund

2014 was the worst year of my life.

Everything I thought I was and thought I had, turned upside down when my marriage unexpectedly ended. Running gave me a way to meet some basic needs. A place to be. Time to think. Positive results. And enough exertion to be able to sleep at night. But within a few months, running gave me more than that. It led me to other runners… many in Daily Run Club, and a few more in other groups. Other runners who provided social interaction, and a friendly ear or word of advice. Other runners who lifted me and pointed me down the right path – figuratively and literally. Other runners who made me understand that I was in control of more than I thought I was… and at the same time, far less alone.2014 was the worst year of my life - briefly. But no more. Someday, I may even see 2014 as the best year of my life. And for the sport I love - and my running friends I love even more - I give thanks. - Frank Evans

I am thankful for so many things that running has given me:
1. Running has allowed me to accomplish so many things I never thought my body could endure 
2. Running has taken me on multiple adventures too see new states.
3. Running has brought wonderful people into my life who have become close friends...almost family! - Mackenzie Stallmann

I am thankful for running because it makes me feel so good about myself. Pushing myself to the limit & achieving goals are such an amazing feeling. 
Running makes me a better wife, mom & friend! - Jillian Van Leer

As I pondered on all of the things I am thankful for in regards to running (group runs, crunching leaves on fall days, the finish line of a race, etc) , what I realized is what I am really thankful for is running. I know it sounds so cliché, but I love that I can chose to go out and run. That I am healthy and can do what many people can't or don't do.  I am thankful that I can run !! - Shelly Weber

I am thankful for my running friends who will wake up at 3am
 just so I can run and get my miles in and I don't have to run alone! - Ximena Kriete

I have been running consistently for ~6 years and I learn something new about myself and running every year. Running is my escape. My escape from anger, sadness, worries, stress and life in general. For most of those 6 years, I was a solo runner- my dog has been my running partner for 3 of those 6- but since joining DRC I have made so many running friends and I am extremely grateful to this group for bringing them into my life. I also am thankful for those same friends for challenging me to run faster, harder and on different terrain. - Andrea Brueggemann

I am thankful that running gave me another way to work out, but mostly that it is an activity that my 13 year-old daughter, and now my 11 year-old son, have joined me in. We have fun at events together! Also for DRC for motivating me now that I'm not training for a race. - Bob Sander

I'm thankful that I am able to run with my son and that he loves to go for runs! And I'm also thankful for my running friends who push me to do distances I never thought I'd be able to do! - Tegan Schmidt

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